Our projects and collaborations are strategic assets that underscore our commitment to education, research, and societal impact.
Illinois App
The flagship project that supports more than 50,000 students, faculty, and staff.
- Dining menus and schedules
- Wellness resources
- Maps
- ID and bus pass
- Course information
- Events

The Rokwire open source platform—free to all under an Apache 2.0 software license—serves as a catalyst for innovation across a wide range of fields, from scientific research to student success.
- Enables integration of multiple data streams and systems
- Employs human-centered design
- Allows for external integration partners
- Provides a test bed for smart technologies
- Serves as a catalyst for innovation
- Offers a privacy-preserving data architecture

Safer Illinois
The Safer Illinois app supported the University of Illinois’ COVID-19 mitigation program.
- Coordinated virus testing
- Delivered test results
- Displayed building access status pass
- Provided community health recommendations
- Provided proximity-based exposure notifications

Campus Connections
- Recruitment processes with the Institutional Review Board
- Advising appointments for the Grainger College of Engineering
- Educational resources for Carle Illinois College of Medicine
- Digital tools for SHIELD to support COVID-19 measures
External Research Support
- NSF Smart Connected Communities planning grant for community youth development and mentoring
- US Department of Justice grant to build tools into the Illinois app that support members of campus who have experienced intimate partner violence
- App for Professor Neal Cohen and his colleagues in support of their research on traumatic brain injury
- App in collaboration with the Mayo Clinic for patients diagnosed with fatty liver disease
- Tool with support from the Personalized Nutrition Initiative to predict when a person is eating a meal